Late today, sorry for all of you who look forward to reading my blog the first thing with your coffee . I went out this morning between rain and snow showers (told you so) and planted grass seed where my darling Harley dug holes in the yard, yes Harley, the Devil Dog was good yesterday maybe because I put buckets over my roses and tied everything down with bungee cords. And yes, he knows full well that his gene pool is laced with . Then today I went through my poor mothers house and got rid of all her stuff that cluddered up everthing and drove me crazy, we are going to have a big garage sale when we return from Maui and hopeful my kids will contribute (alot) or I may have to up my me . Lost the game last night but it was good, the last couple have been like watching paint dry. Harley is sssssssssssooooooooo tired today he didnt want to get out of bed its too cold outside to play today so he is being a good boy and chillen!! Nothing major planned tonight, guess I will be chillen with my Harley dog. Hello to all my friends in JAIL (oh, should I say at work) Well thats it for today wish you all a great day.
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